Beyond being a beautiful female name, LEA is also the abbreviation for one of the most important initiatives of all, have been created recently: Let’s Empower Austria- the initiative to strengthen and promote women and girls.
Strong role models
Under the patronage of the formal Austrian Chancellor Brigitte Bierlein and federal minister Susanne Raab, there is a small team of dedicated women working on the right for girls and women to be able to practice their right of equal chances.
LEA is doing that by educating and putting strong idols on stage. From different areas of life. From different age groups. From different areas of expertise, education and health, politics and economy, science, technology and sports.
It’s about real equality in real life. Not just polishing the quota, declaration of intent, or some figureheads.
The breakthrough of equal opportunity
Why I mention this so elaborately and in such detail? I think LEA is good. Really good. In fact, so good that I volunteer as a role model for LEA and became a part of the movement. Together with 33 other women we gathered in September for a kick-off event in the Hofburg in Vienna to mingle, get to know each other and network.
I met fascinating women at this event, in some I recognized myself: ambitious and motivated ladies ready to give our knowledge and experience from the areas of STEM (12 ladies were from the technical fields) to other women. So the topic of equal opportunity gets the power, which it needs to break through in all levels.
Together with LEA
We have been waiting long for this breakthrough. The imbalance is still too big. Way too big. Especially in the fields of education and work opportunities. In the area of career options. In the areas of climbing up the ladder. And development opportunities. In the area of combining motherhood with career. In the area of women in male-dominated segments. When it's about income and pension.
Still a long way to go but we are going it, and I'm happy if together with LEA I can contribute!
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